Thursday, 23 October 2014

Post #88 - The Guy Best Friend

When something amazing happens, he's the first one you want to tell.  He's not afraid to tell you when you are with the wrong guy.  He's the first one you call when things are going wrong.  He's the first one there when you need a shoulder to cry on.  When you imagine your perfect guy, you think of him.  Your friends wonder why you aren't together yet.  He knows when things aren't right.  He is amazing in every single way and treats you better than any guy ever will.

On Him:
Hair ~ Taketomi - Masato Brown 02
Shirt ~ VG Shoes - Tommy Polo Stripes  (New)
Shorts ~ VG Shoes - Shorts (New)

On Her :
Hair ~ Milk Hair - Winx
Shirt ~ Silly Spoiled Whore - Squared Blouse Long Sleeves (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Shorts ~ F.A.D. - Piana Mini Shorts (available in-store for Hello Tuesday)
Attachments ~ Slink - Mesh Hands Elegant 1

VG Shoes also joined this new round of Fresh Style featuring the regular versions of the Uma shoes.  Fresh Style started last October 15 and will run until October 26.  Cosmopolitan Sale Room on the other hand still have 2 more days .. so feel free to catch up on this amazing birthday round of CSR.  

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Post #87

I wasn't supposed to blog today.  I haven't been feeling okay lately.  But as I was opening boxes from this new round of Hello Tuesday, I saw this really cool Men's Hooded Coat from F.A.D.  So I told myself why not make a really quick post for this awesome item.  It's really worth it. *grins*  This is on sale for the whole week .. half the price!! So go get it!

Coat ~ F.A.D. - Men's Hooded Coat (available at Hello Tuesday)

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Post #86 - Meet Joshua

This is the second time I blogged men's items .. so I decided to make him permanent *grins* .. Meet my new male model .. Joshua.

Hair ~ Taketomi - Masato Brown 02 (on Sale)
Skin ~ 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Morten (available at Hello Tuesday)
Beard ~ Tailored - Facial Hair Stubble V1
Shirt ~ V-Spot - Cosmopolitan Shirt Grey (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Pants ~ V-Spot - Casual Cords Black - (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Shoes ~ Shoeminati - SK8 Ghost (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Pose (1st photo) ~ Vestige - Male Model 4 #20 (available at fi*Friday

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Post #85

Here are more items from this birthday round of Cosmopolitan Sale Room and from Hello Tuesday as well.  Hope you like them and please do check us out.  

Hair ~ Entwined - Aeryn (New)
Dress ~ Kaithleen's - Pawn's Neckholder Mini Dress (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Bracelets ~ E-Clipse - Rumble Bracelets Silver (available at L'accesoires)
Shoes ~ Hollyhood - Holly Black Alma Heels (available at Hello Tuesday)
Tattoos ~ Pervette - My Dear Fairy (available at Hello Tuesday)
Attachments ~ Slink - Mesh Hands Elegant 1 and Mesh Feet High
Pose (1st photo) ~ Verocity - Fashion (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Post #84 - Cosmo's 2nd Birthday!

Cosmopolitan Sale Room's 2nd birthday round started last Sunday and will run for 2 weeks.  Can't wait to share everything to you my lovelies.  I'll start off with a guy's outfit.  Yep! you heard me right!  I decided to make a male avatar so I could also share the lovely creations of our amazing designers intended for men.

Hair ~ Dura - The 4 Year Anniversary Hair Dark Brown (group gift)
Sweater ~ American Bazaar - Pullover Grey (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Pants ~ Giomen - Leather Pants (available at Cosmopolitan Sale Room)
Shoes ~ VG Shoes - Slip-Ons Leather Grey
Pose ~ Vestige - Male Model 3 #11 (available at fi*Friday)

Cosmopolitan Sale Room 24/2 - October 13 to 26, 2014

fi*Friday - October 10 to 16, 2014

Check out this 2nd birthday round of Cosmo!  Amazing items are in store!  More to come lovelies .. 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Post #83

"A girl should be two things : classy and fabulous" - Gabriel Chanel

The lovely Ms. Lorelai made this lovely vintage gown as her entry to this next round of The Pier Market.  As shown in the photo above, It can be worn in several ways.  It has an optional flexi skirt, a fur shawl is also included and comes in 4 different colors.  I wouldn't miss it if I were you. *grins*

Hair ~ Entwined - Elinna (group gift)
Jewelries ~ Glam Affair - Lux Set Silver Yellow (available at Collabor88)
Gown ~ Preptopia - Vintage Muse Salmon (available at The Pier Market)
Shoes ~ VG Shoes - Barcelona Camel (available at Nice To Be)
Attachments ~ The Shops - Mesh Body and Hands
Slink - Mesh Feet High
Pose (first photo) ~ Vestige - Female Model 7 #35 (available at fi*Friday)

VG Shoes also joined Nice To Be.  A week long event which started last October 10 and will run till the 17th.  You still have time to get it *grins*.  They featured two of my favourite designs.  Please do check it out.

Collabor88 ~ October 8 to November 3, 2014

The Pier Market ~ October 12 to 29, 2014

Nice To Be ~ October 10 to 17, 2014

fi*Friday ~ October 10 to 16, 2014

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Happy Birthday Cosmo!

It is Cosmopolitan Sale Room's 2nd birthday!  I am really excited on this coming round! I am sure everyone will be featuring their best stuff evah!  So please watch out .. the birthday round will start October 12th .. See you guys there!  Click here for the landmark.